Wednesday, September 11, 2024

More about September 11th

Twenty-three years after the fact, the images, and recollections, of September 11th remain deeply saddening, and searing: the great tragedies in Manhattan; at the Pentagon; and United Flight 93, which crashed in the field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  

One also thinks, often, about the tremendous acts of heroism which took place that day.

On Sunday evening, CBS's 60 Minutes re-aired an extraordinary report about the September 11th attacks in New York City, and the aftermath of the attacks, focusing for the most part on the FDNY--the New York City Fire Department. 

The piece originally aired in September of 2021, at the time of the 20th anniversary of September 11th; I wrote a post about it at the time.

The CBS piece--which is approximately forty minutes long--was reported by the exceptional correspondent and interviewer Scott Pelley.

As Mr. Pelley notes, at the start of the report, 343 members of the FDNY died on September 11th.