Saturday, February 15, 2025

Update: the S.S. United States

The first phase of the transport of the S.S. United States from Philadelphia to Mobile, Alabama was successful; it took place on Friday.

The ship was moved by tugboats, laterally, from Pier 82, on the Philadelphia waterfront, to Pier 80.

The next part of the journey--moving the ocean liner from Pier 80 into the Delaware River channel, to begin its approximately two-week trip to Alabama--was planned for Monday.  It has been announced--by Florida's Okaloosa County, which now owns the ship--that this next (and more dramatic) phase of the trip has been delayed by one day, until Tuesday.

The County, as reported on the Facebook page of the S.S. United States Conservancy, said that "excessive high winds," predicted for the Greater Philadelphia area on Monday, are responsible for the delay. 

The towing of the ship is now scheduled to begin just after 12;00 p.m. on Tuesday.