Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"Special"; "Really Special"; "Very Special"

In March of 2018, Anderson Cooper interviewed Stephanie Clifford--better known, because of her adult film career, as Stormy Daniels--on CBS's 60 Minutes.  Ms. Daniels spoke--quite convincingly--of what she alleged was a 2006 sexual encounter with Donald Trump.  

She told Mr. Cooper that at one point, during the evening in question--this was prior to the sexual encounter she said took place--Mr. Trump told her: "Wow, you--you are special."

A few days before the interview with Ms. Daniels aired, Mr. Cooper also interviewed former Playboy model Karen McDougal, on CNN.  She, too, spoke very convincingly of what she said was an approximately ten-month relationship with Mr. Trump in 2006 and 2007.

Ms. McDougal, during the interview, said this, about the first time she said she and Mr. Trump had sexual relations:  "After we had been intimate, he tried to pay me."  She told Mr. Cooper: "I looked at him and said, 'I'm not that type of girl.'"

She continued: "And he said, 'Oh," and he said, 'You're really special."  

Ms. McDougal added: "It hurt me that he saw me in that light."  Yet she continued to see him, she said, during the ensuing months.

On January 6, 2021, nearly three years after Mr. Cooper's interviews with Ms. Daniels and Ms. McDougal, rioters supporting Mr. Trump stormed the United States Capitol, as Congress was in session for the pro forma counting of the ballots of the Electoral College.  Some 140 law enforcement officers were assaulted and injured that day.

Shortly before 1 p.m., on January 6th, the District of Columbia police department declared that a riot was underway on the Capitol grounds.  Not long after 2 p.m., rioters broke through Capitol windows and began entering the building.

It took more than two hours, from that time, for Mr. Trump to ask the insurrectionists, via a video posted on Twitter, to leave the Capitol.  

He said, in the video: "So go home.  We love you.  You're very special."