Thursday, March 28, 2019

"Radio Collectors of America," in Quincy, Mass.

In March of 2008, a few months after my book about early television was released, I spoke, long-distance (via speaker phone), with members of the "Radio Collectors of America," an Old-Time Radio group in Quincy, Massachusetts; the conversation (which was very enjoyable) took up part of the organization's monthly meeting,  I was interviewed, first, by radio personality/entertainer/author Mel Simons, the group's Vice President--Mel and I subsequently became friends, that year--and then answered questions about the book from members of the group. 

Tonight, I'll be making a return visit, by phone, to speak about the Revised Edition of the book. I'll once again be interviewed by Mel, and will then take questions from members of the group, if they are so inclined.  I'm looking forward to the conversation.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

"The Morgan Show," WBZ NewsRadio

Last week, my friend Morgan White, Jr. became the host of Boston radio station WBZ's two weekend overnight shows. The Morgan Show now airs Friday nights/Saturday mornings (midnight to 5:30 a.m.), and Saturday nights/Sunday mornings (midnight to 3:30 a.m.).

For several years, Morgan has been the host of a Saturday night (10 to midnight) talk show on WBZ; that show ended last week, with the beginning of his new weekend overnight assignment.

Since 2016 (after longtime WBZ host Jordan Rich retired as host of the overnight weekend shows), Morgan has been one of the rotating hosts of the programs--at first, hosting the shows every third week, and, more recently, hosting them every other week.  I'm delighted, for him, that he is now hosting the overnight shows every weekend.

He has, indeed, been a significant presence on WBZ for more than twenty years, as a regular guest host on the station.  His guest hosting on the station will continue--including this coming evening (Sunday night/Monday morning), when he sits in for host Bradley Jay.

Friday, March 8, 2019

From the novel "There There"

This is a passage from the exceptional novel There There, by Tommy Orange (Alfred A. Knopf, 2018). The voice is that of one of the novel's characters, Edwin Black:

    Lately I've become a little obsessed with the brain.  With trying to find explanations for everything as it relates to the brain and its parts.  There's almost too much information out there.  The internet is like a brain trying to figure out a brain. I depend on the internet for recall now.  There's no reason to remember when it's always just right there, like the way everyone used to know phone numbers by heart and now can't even remember their own.  Remembering itself is becoming old-fashioned.