In the early 1970s my parents got a place on Cape Cod. My father still spends time there, and I was recently there for a visit.
While looking through some family things, stored there, I found some items from my mother’s career that I don’t remember seeing before.
There was sheet music, from the time (1948 and 1949) when she had a singing role in a Broadway revue— the show “Small Wonder,” which starred Tom Ewell.
I found a list, in her handwriting; it appeared to be of songs she had sung one week (or, perhaps, was about to sing) on the show Teen Time Tunes, on the Dumont television network. The TV show, fifteen minutes long (a popular time format during early TV), featured my mother and The Alan Logan Trio, and aired weeknights, for part of 1949.
I also found a nice publicity photo of her, which I reproduce here. The picture is not dated, but I believe it is from 1949 or 1950, during the time she sang on Kay Kyser’s TV show on NBC.